Release Blitz: Confess - Sin City Salvation #1 by A. Zavarelli
O que você ganha quando combina um macho alfa possessivo com uma heroína resoluta e um casamento arranjado? Química explosiva e muita angústia. É isso o que promete Confess, mais novo lançamento da A. Zavarelli - que com essa capa linda não tinha como ficar de fora da minha TBR. Em breve devo trazer a resenha dele também ;)
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Título: Confess
Série: Sin City Salvation #1
Autora: A. Zavarelli
Gênero: Romance Dark
Data de Lançamento: 25 de Setembro, 2018

Uma vida livre de pecado.
Por dezessete anos, tenho vivido e repirado essas palavras. Mas não existe consolo para a guerra dentro da minha alma.
Até ela.
A misteriosa beleza muito fatal para provar. Ela é uma ladra, uma vigarista, a essência de tudo que eu detesto. Ainda assim, ela me atrai com seus olhos mentirosos.
Na escuridão da noite, ela veio para confessar seus pecados, e na luz da manhã, eu considerei roubá-la.
Ela será minha ruína. Minha maldição. Meu maior arrependimento.
Então me ajude, Deus.
Então me ajude, Deus.
Uma palavra de conselho? Não me mostre suas vulnerabilidades porque encontrarei uma maneira de explorá-las. Eu aprendi da maneira mais difícil a pegar o que eu quero da vida sem arrependimentos.
Até ele.
Ele é um dos homens mais odiados da América. Um advogado criminal sem alma. Um recluso. E desde cinco minutos atrás, meu novo marido.
Ele quer manter meus segredos e recolher minhas lágrimas, mas ele deveria saber que um animal selvagem não pode ser domesticado.
Eu não sei como amar os homens. Eu só sei como os deixar.
Com tudo o que eu quero.

Leia um trecho - somente em inglês
I walked into my office and found the tall, leggy brunette waiting for me. She wasn’t the only one either. Beside her, Ace played around on his phone while Birdie flipped through a magazine.
I wasn’t surprised to see her this soon. In all honesty, I’d expected her to show up at my door last night, demanding to have Ace removed from her presence. But it appeared as though they survived the night, just barely.
“May I have a word with you?” Gypsy asked.
“You may,” I told her as I checked my watch. “In thirty minutes. When my lunch is finished.”
Her eyes narrowed, and she planted her hands on her hips as she stood. “You must be joking.”
“I don’t joke,” I responded flatly.
She stalked forward, stopping only when she’d breached the narrow distance that few people ever dared to try with me. She was reverting to her baser skills of seduction, but I doubted she even realized it. The instinct came naturally to her, often rewarding her with whatever she wanted, and admittedly, it might have worked on me too once.
She smelled of coconut oil and sunshine, and it encouraged a vivid image of her lying out on the beach. I could almost bet that if I were to touch her skin, it would be warm too. So warm that it would be easy to get lost in. She probably counted on it, but I was prepared to let Gypsy know from the start how this game would be played. There were only one set of rules, and they were mine.
“Do you want me to throw a fit?” she threatened as her eyes darted around my office. “Because I will.”
Now that was funny. My lips tilted despite my resolve to remain dry as toast.
“Do you think it would be the first time someone threw a fit in here?” I asked her. “I’m sorry to tell you sweetheart, but it wouldn’t.”
“It would probably be the first time someone accused you of holding them hostage in front of your employees.”
I turned and gestured for her to go ahead.
“Be my guest.”
Her lips tightened, and she clamped down on her jaw. After watching her for so long, these unintelligent threats from her were a disappointment. Of course, she wouldn’t make a scene because she had more to lose than I did.
“Thirty minutes,” I repeated. “I’ll have my secretary call for you when I’m finished.”
I walked into my office and shut the door behind me.

Ela será minha ruína. Minha maldição. Meu maior arrependimento.
Então me ajude, Deus

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